Love Your Heart 2025
Saturday, February 22nd
​​Discover the secrets of a healthy heart as local experts provide heart protecting classes and education on how the heart works
​10:30-11:20: All levels Restorative Yoga with Marissa Krecker
Stress is SO HARD on your heart. Spend 50 minutes relaxing your nervous system by connecting with your breath and your body.
Marissa Krecker is the incredible yoga instructor who founded Orchard Roots- Don't miss out!
11:30-12:20: When the Heart Attacks with Evan Aas​
What is a heart attack and what are the signs so you get help early?​
Evan Aas is a leuitenant Fire fighter and first responder. He is an expert in catching and treating heart attacks fast and will be explaining in understandable terms what a heart attack is and how to spot it.
12:30-1:20: Heart Healthy Nutrition & Living with Emily Dellwo
What should you be eating? ​How much of it should you be eating? What lifestyle interventions actually decrease risk of heart disease
With Emily Dellwo with a Bachelors in Nutrition & Exercise Physiology
1:30-2:15: Coredio
The RACC’s heart pumping circuit class to challenge your heart and improve VO2max!​​

Members: Free Entry
- Non-Members: $10​​